We wholeheartedly thank our users for all of their love and support. If you have questions about MakePrinatble service discontinuation, please see the frequently asked questions below. We wish we could maintain MakePrintable for our users whom we have so much appreciation for, but sometimes the best path forward requires a goodbye to something we love. We would like to invite you to customize your truck and create the Maverick accessories of your 3D dreams. The dashboard, models, apps, workflows, G-code reverser, Dicom converter, printables, plugins, and API are no longer available. Today, the team that chased that very ambitious mission is becoming part of something even bigger – a company that is building the first Integral Co-Reality platform to re-introduce the world to its physical self: MakePrintable has helped over 180,000 users to fix over 500,000 3D files. Download 3D model files to test the latest slicing improvements Compare UltiMaker software plans Seamless CAD integration Get started with UltiMaker Cura Ready to get started Watch our six-minute introduction to learn your way around the key features of UltiMaker Cura. MakePrintable became the market's most powerful cloud 3D printing file repair solution.

At its core, this mission is about helping people to successfully and easily 3D print files to make productive use of their time and resources. When MakePrintable started, we had a simple mission – to help engineers, makers hobbyists, students, and product designers to repair and optimize 3D files for 3D printing. They host mostly generic STL files, some also offer OBJ files, or G-code for specific machines.MakePrintable Team is joining Integral Reality Labs! These sites are dedicated to providing you with 3D printable files only. Thingiverse Education provides over a hundred free lessons that make teaching with a 3D printer easier and more effective for a variety of grade levels and subjects. Determined by some sneaky Googly magic plus a little tie-breaker juice from the site’s popularity (as reported on Similarweb’s traffic rank), this ranking should Site To rank the 3D model repositories, we use an equation accounting for the total number of 3D printable models on a site. So, if you’re a 3D modeler and fancy making some spare cash, these are perfect platforms for showcasing your work. Downloads: Members ONLY Update: Scale Change on ALL Free 3D Printable Helmet Files from Do3D Spider Man 2099 White Helmet Free 3D printable model from Do3D. Some of these sites also include storefronts for selling 3D printing designs. Offline unattended installation for mass deploys (in Drivers & Apps package installator). Each lets you browse a large selection of 3D printing designs to print at home. Improved seam placement based on the visibility. Below, you’ll find a selection of the best 3D printing websites, model repositories, and marketplaces that offer free 3D printer files to download.