Whether to take the red pill or the blue pill remains one of the most iconic decisions in film history - to stay asleep and controlled or wake up and learn the truth. Buy Blade Runner 2049 on Blu-ray from Amazon Director Denis Villeneuve somehow manages to pay tribute to the original film while telling a wholly new story that ties into the events of the first Blade Runner.

We hear the low rumble of waterfalls exiting the city’s huge barrier wall, but then things get deafly quiet as Hans Zimmer’s (of course) score accentuates the vastness of the empty landscape with soaring horns and haunting voices. The film is striking and visually lush, packed with gorgeous details that flesh out K’s futuristic Los Angeles and the locales he visits in his investigation, including the eerie wasteland outside the city where K and Joi speed to in their flying car. In the course of his work, he stumbles across a conspiracy, which in turn begins to unlock memories that - by all accounts - he shouldn’t have.

Set some 28 years after the events of Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic, the movie follows Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a replicant - the movie’s term for android - who is tasked with hunting down and “retiring” older replicant models.